Teacher Leadership has been advanced as a solution to numerous educational issues faced such as ineffective professional learning and school improvement. However, not much is known about how teacher leadership can be nurtured through in-service professional learning programs. Utilizing survey, document analysis, and semi-structured individual interviews, this sequential mixed methods study explored (1) the process of professional learning for teacher leadership of participants in two programs, (2) the abilities that participants believe the programs helped them gain and the leadership practices they engaged in, (3) and the factors that enabled or impeded them from developing leadership capacity and practicing leadership within their school context. The findings showed that engaging in collaborative job-embedded learning within a multidisciplinary cohort, while receiving supportive and need-based coaching, fosters teacher leadership learning, and engagement in action research that develops teachers’ agency for change and empowers them as professionals, is conducive to the development of teachers’ leadership capacity. The results also indicated that certain leadership abilities, such as practicing and facilitating collaboration and providing professional learning to colleagues, can be acquired through programs that aren’t specifically designed to build teacher leadership capacity. However, other abilities related to policy advocacy, engaging in data-driven decision-making, building partnerships, and engaging in system-thinking and whole-school decision-making require targeted coaching and focus to develop. Finally, the school context, national cultural context, and policy context were found to play a key role in learning about and practicing leadership. This study contributes added knowledge to professional learning program designers about elements that are conducive to the development of teacher leadership capacity and to administrators and policymakers about essential conditions that need to be present for teacher leadership to thrive in schools.
محام وشريك مؤسس في مكتب رشيد فهمي كرامي للمحاماة والإستشارات القانونية. محكم ووسيط دولي معتمد لدى عدد من المراكز المحلية والعالمية. مدرب معتمد على الوساطة والتحكيم لدى نقابة المحامين في طرابلس ومركز التسوية الفعالة للنزاعات– لندن ومعهد المحكمين القانونين. وضع وشارك في العديد من الدورات التدريبية المحلية والدولية المتعلقة بالوساطة والتحكيم. تولى وضع عدة مشاريع قوانين أبرزها مشروع قانون الوساطة المعتمد من نقابة المحامين في طرابلس والمناقش حالياً أمام اللجان النيابية المختصة. كما تولى وضع قواعد مركز الوساطة والتحكيم في نقابة المحامين في طرابلس. بالإضافة الى إعداد عدد من الدراسات القانونية والمتعلقة بالوساطة والوسائل البديلة لحلّ النزاعات. خبير سابق في الوساطة لدى مؤسسة التمويل الدولية. مستشار وزير الشؤون الإجتماعية لشؤون المرأة والطفل والمشرف على خطة وزارة الشؤون الموضوعة لحماية المرأة والطفل والموقعة مع الـيونيسف. عضو في جمعية بيت التدريب والحوار