Support our mission through funding

In TAMAM, we are dedicated to empowering school-based improvement. Your contribution has the power to drive meaningful change in education. Your generosity can make a significant impact in one of three ways:

Fund Our Operational Activities

By supporting our research and development activities, you help us sustain our mission and ensure that we can continue making a difference in education. Your donation will directly contribute to our research, development, and outreach efforts, enabling us to reach more students and educators.

Fund a School's Project

Alternatively, you can choose to fund an improvement project initiated by a school of your choice. Your donation will directly support their educational initiatives and resources, providing students with unique learning experiences and opportunities for growth.

Adopt a School to Build its Capacity for Leading Improvement

If you have a specific school or educational institution in mind that you'd like to support, you can fund the cost of a TAMAM-trained coach and provide the necessary resources for the school to participate in the TAMAM job-embedded leadership capacity-building program. Your donation will directly benefit the school, enabling them to establish a school improvement team with the requisite knowledge, skills, and expertise to lead innovative initiatives and transform into a self-renewing school.

Your contribution, regardless of its scale, will always be significant and have a lasting impact on improving education. Together, we can create a brighter future for both students and educators. If you’re interested in making a donation, please fill the following form.