Karami-Akkary, R., Meyers, C. (January 2020). Overcoming the barriers to Educational Change in the Arab Context: Examining pathways to building systemic capacity for sustainable school-based improvement. ICSEI Paper accepted at the International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement, Marrakech, Morocco. 

On January 8, 2020, Dr. Rima Karami, TAMAM Project Director and Principal Investigator, and in collaboration with Dr. Coby Meyers, Chief of Research in the Partnership for Leaders in Education initiative, at the University of Virginia delivered a presentation about their collaborative research study in the ICSEI – International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement in Morocco. Specifically, the presentation focused on reporting the progress of the data analysis and sharing some of the recent research findings of the study conducted in one of TAMAM public Lebanese school. The study is titled “Overcoming the Barriers to Educational Change in the Arab Context: Examining pathways to building systemic capacity for sustainable school-based improvement”. Dr. Karami continued working with Dr. Meyers to complete the data analysis and a manuscript for publication will be ready soon.  

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