Lessons Learned from School-Based Reform by Dr. Raouf Ghusayni.
This paper presented an overview of school reform highlighting how there is no specific meaning attached to the concept of school-based management; however, it is generally agreed that it represents a shift of authority toward decentralization, identifies the school as the primary unit of educational change increased decision-making power to the school itself. The paper further highlighted Key Features of Successful Reform Strategies including teacher empowerment and school culture. It is generally acknowledged that teachers have often been isolated from involvement in significant decision making and from frequent and meaningful contact with one another. School-based management has afforded an opportunity for broader teacher involvement in decision–making on school policies and operations. However, it has been argued that reform initiatives are not likely to succeed unless they incorporate teachers’ participation in making decisions in areas that are specially important to them. Furthermore, several writers emphasize that school-based reform or restructuring does not in itself insure the success of reform initiatives. Beyond that, what is essential is the presence of a collaborative school culture.  

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Lessons Learned from School-Based Reform- Dr. Raouf Ghusayni– 2008
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