معلومات شخصية

Nidal Jouni had a BS in biology and a teaching diploma in special education for learning disabilities when she co-founded Al Rahma high  school one of  Al Mabarrat Association Schools in 2001 and where she remained as the school’s principal till September 2017, after which she joined AUB again to duplicate her special education diploma -second track in gifted education and pursue a Master degree in Education. During  these years, she established the first inclusion program in the region for learners with disabilities within her school, and a program for gifted students among the first ones in Lebanon. During these years she was and still Lebanon’s delegate at the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, an accredited trainer on number of programs for gifted children, and gave more than hundred workshops on different subjects related to education in general, special education and leadership. In July 2017 Nidal Jouni became a fellow at the Middle East Initiative for Professional Learning (MEPLI)at the graduate school of education at Harvard University (HGSE).

Nidal works with TAMAM at AUB as a TAMAM coach of Al Maymouna Education schools to empower schools’ principals on inclusive and leadership practices. Nidal Jouni is also a storywriter for children.