كرامي عكاري، ر.، قاطرجي، آر إم، سري الدين، د.، قاطرجي، ر.ر (نوفمبر 2020). تجربة المدارس في المنطقة العربية في الاستجابة لكوفيد 19: مرحلة حاسمة نحو تحسين المدرسة. المؤتمر الافتراضي الدولي: كوفيد 19: تغيير قواعد اللعبة في التعليم: إعادة الاتصال افتراضيًا. المركز الوطني للتطوير التربوي، NCED، كلية التربية، جامعة قطر، قطر.


The presentation discussed the reactions of the Arab schools with the resulting crisis from the Covid-19 pandemic, by presenting the experience of the schools participating in the TAMAM project. The Coronavirus pandemic has imposed a transformational change in education and allowed for an acceptance of this needed change. Schools in Arab counties showed varied readiness in its response to this crisis and management to its challenges and this is due to several reasons and conditions.

However, the schools participating in the TAMAM project, despite their diversity and different circumstances (public or private, from different Arab countries, apply international or local curricula …), showed high readiness in managing this crisis and investing in its challenges, not because they are ‘smart’ technological schools, but rather because they possess leadership and institutional capacities that helped manage change and display innovation. This is due to the systematic training provided by the project within a comprehensive professional development model based on research and experimentation. The presentation provided a brief overview of the TAMAM’s approach to empower educators as leaders of change and use their collective expertise to lead and launch innovative initiatives for sustainable school-based improvement. Furthermore, the presentation provided real examples from TAMAM schools on their management of the crisis and how they invested in it as an opportunity to improve and renew their practices. The presentation also shed light on the role of the TAMAM professional community as a network of educators who supported each other during this period and shared their experiences in leading and exploiting this historic opportunity to unleash the Arab educational energies for renewal and innovation. All this with the aim of giving back the school its true role in building citizens and developing the Arab society. The presentation ended with lessons learned and prospects for the educational sector in the Arab region to become innovative, inclusive, interactive and equitable.

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